Originally Posted By: andym
Even rarer is a series being cancelled mid-showing. Usually if a series is unpopular it's simply not renewed at the end of it's run. The only example I can think of off the top of my head was a show called Bugs. It barely survived the chop at the end of it's third series (each one weighing in a massive 10 ep's each). But in the last season it got canned with 3 ep's to go and the remainder didn't Tx until a year later.

Making Waves was another fairly recently.

I recall that the extras (who were Navy people) had a whip-round to underwrite the DVD pressing because it was the only way they would ever get to see it! Wikipedia mentions that it was exclusively sold through the Navy News website which seems to tie up.

From what I read there, half of the 6-episode £5m series was never shown on TV!