Seems like my words about contacting the State's Attorney General and police are working. I haven't contacted them yet, as I was waiting to get all evidence into PayPal first so that they can start fighting the chargeback on their end.

The customer has written and altered some of what he said in previous claims - though never once did they admit to having flat-out lied. Which unfortunately they did and that still leaves me with a bad feeling, even if they're willing now to cancel the chargeback.

In their original claim they wrote that they had communicated with me and that I had told them to "wait for an update" and didn't provide them with any other alternatives. They never contacted me once and obviously I had never written any such thing to them or anyone else for that matter.

I told them that if the chargeback is cancelled and the products returned, then I would offer them a refund. I've indicated quite clearly that any attempt to obtain the money without returning the merchandise is considered fraud not only by myself, but the entire industry and society (PayPal, the police, etc..)

We'll see how this goes. I'm still going to provide PayPal with all the shipping label and email evidence in the meantime.
Twisted Melon : Fine Mac OS Software