
Congratulations to Canada on a CLASS-ACT skate in the Ice Dancing. Even though it has been slammed <a little> by this thread, the grace, athleticism, and speed of the sport is hard to ignore. Hockey is fun too, of course!

They are the darlings of the sport this year and they deserved it.

They skated well, and genuinely seemed to appreciate the Gold Medal Ceremony. It's nice to see the winners sing the National Anthem with zeal and pride.

I have no idea why so many country's athletes are so stuck-up as not to pay this minimal amount of patriotism to the country that helped them make their dreams come true.

Just my oppinion..., your's may vary.

In SI, a little termination and attention to layout goes a long way. In EMC, without SI, you'll spend 80% of the effort on the last 3dB.