I seem to remember a solution that people came up with very early on.

If you want them in the order they are on the cd, and you ripped them in order, you can sort by the modified date in win98 explorer.

For whatever the reason, if you are dragging and dropping a group of files, it makes a difference which file the pointer is actually on. After you put the files in order (sorting by modified date), try dragging them over by clicking on the first song in the list.

I'm not sure if emplode can sort by modified date or even how it works, but I've had similar problems in other situations.

here's a neat demonstration using winamp of what I'm talking about. In windows explorer: If your files are in one directory, sorted alphabetically, and you drag and drop them into another directory as a group, the physical storage of the files is now alphabetical. Load the directory into the winamp playlist and the files are alphabetical (without using winamp to sort.)

Now, do the same thing again, but this time have the files sorted in some other fashion (ie. modifed date). Select them all and move them to another directory. Use winamp to load the directory into the playlist and the files should be in whatever order you had them.

So maybe, if you do this trick and then use emplode, they will go into the empeg in the right order...

good luck.
