That Photoshop demo is sweet. Notice how it drags a bit on larger selections? I wouldn't be surprised if they were running that demo on some insanely fast box and it would be even worse on cheap laptops and such.

Now, my question is whether the next version of Lightroom support lens distortion correction. It's in Photoshop. Also notable, Lightroom 2 supports the Panasonic LX3. The LX3 has an amazingly wonderful wide-angle lens. The lens has serious barel distortion, but the LX3 corrects that before rendering its JPEGs. Lightroom's raw support for the LX3 also does this correction, as does Panasonic's proprietary raw software, yet lens correction, in general, isn't an advertised feature of Lightroom 3, much less Lightroom 2.

DxO and Bibble now offer lens correction. How about Lightroom?