
Originally Posted By: Cris

Mainly selections, adjusting the background independently of my subject.

I do concur, and that's precisely the purpose of the feature I mentioned was so very excellent in Lightzone. I'm not sure they still have the same sample videos up, but their adjustments for this type of scenario were amazing every time I saw them.

With regards to the way you run your workflow, not being a professional photographer myself, but having a lot of Photoshop experience, I will suggest trying to front-load as much of the work as possible. That is, make whatever necessary adjustments to your shooting style and habits to reduce the amount of time needed in post.

Many wedding photographers shoot in JPG and don't do even a fraction of the post work you're talking about. At the very least you should be able to present a larger set of photos to your client and then do minor (manual) post on only the shots they select for printing.
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