Originally Posted By: hybrid8

But this goes completely against the core principle of keeping your negative unedited. That's the foundation of Lightroom.

Exactly, I'd rather development time spent on layers in DNGs for example. At the moment You have to output from LR as a TIFF, JPG etc... as if you take in the DNG the LR adjustments are lost. This is a big pain in the arse for me. This would be truly time saving.

I would say that 80-90% of my workflow is based on LightRoom, I use it a lot. The other 10-20% is Photoshop, and I maybe use 5% of it's features, mostly involving selections I never use layers or output PSDs as it would swamp my machine with bloated files very quickly. The time taken is disproportionate to the work required and it would have been nice to see a move towards solving this. So far this doesn't seem to be the case.

I recently started looking at how much time I spend on my pictures for clients. I didn't think it was too unreasonably to spend 5 minutes on each pictures workflow, but when you multiply that out by 400 it's over 33 hours of work! My current pricing is built on about 14-20 hours of post work, so I only get to spend 2-3 minutes on each shot! There are things I could do of course, offer less pictures and spend more time on the ones I present or stop using Photoshop all together and run the risk of the client not being happy etc...

