Originally Posted By: siberia37
Virus Protection is the number #1 waste of money on software out there. It causes more problem than it solves and just slows your system down. Just keep your system up to date and don't install software unless you know it's from a legit source. Sorry to be blunt but I have never seen Anti-Virus software be useful except in the case of users who install everything they see on the Internet and in that case it didn't really help either


One of the biggest costs to many of my clients - all of whom are in the Fortune 50 - is indirectly because of home users with broadband (as well as corporates with sketchy policies) not keeping AV up to date. It doesn't matter if you are a skilled techy or know nothing about IT, do the rest of the world a favour and:

Use AV - ideally at perimeter and desktop, and ideally use heuristic as well as signature based scanning
Use firewalls - ideally hardware and software
Blacklist / whitelist sites and connections

Otherwise you are very likely to be part of the problem. Admittedly the problem helps keep me running a team of over 400 people full time globally, but I'd rather have them all doing interesting things rather than helping agencies with nonsense like botnet closedowns, relay shutdowns and cutting off malware and warez storage.


Just use good AV, and configure it well! Very simple, and reasonably effective in conjunction with other layers of defence.
MkIIa, blue lit buttons, memory upgrade, 1Tb in Subaru Forester STi
MkII, 240Gb in Mark Lord dock
MkII, 80Gb SSD in dock