Originally Posted By: siberia37
Virus Protection is the number #1 waste of money on software out there. It causes more problem than it solves and just slows your system down. Just keep your system up to date and don't install software unless you know it's from a legit source.

We are a University. In our campuses we have thousands of users of all kinds. The "don't install software unless you know it's from a legit source" just, simply, does not work.

I don't mind McAfee. It works well in corp evironment, it works well with AD and is properly designed. Also, corporate versions don't have the awful GUI of the consumer versions, and it is surprisingly light. In general. it is by far more beneficial than damaging. By far.
But, hopefully, they are going to change their statements about what happened yesterday; or, I'll start to dislike them a bit. This was a major issue. Major. They paralized us for one day.

Edited by taym (22/04/2010 08:52)
= Taym =
MK2a #040103216 * 100Gb *All/Colors* Radio * 3.0a11 * Hijack = taympeg