I cannot see a single one of them on my monitor so I figured they were OK. Now, my monitor is nothing great, an Acer 22" LCD

I have heard that some graphic artists and other print industry professionals will refuse to use LCD displays at all. Analog CRT's are quickly becoming a rarity, and a lot of these people are snatching them up and hoarding them.

Yours is one of many varied examples as to why this is the case.

Problems such wide variations in color definition and brightness are one thing, but even more troubling is posterization of some displays: Where two different nearby RGB values in Photoshop will render as the same color on the LCD display because of a limitation in the per-pixel, per-component bit depth of a given display.

Analog CRT monitors can have those kinds of problems, too, but at least they can be more accurately calibrated across the analog spectrum. (Graphic industry professionals always calibrate their displays.)
Tony Fabris