I'm wondering if anybody can tell me what kind of bug this is? It is incredibly loud and sounds exactly like a model airplane engine.

The only sound recording instrument I have is my camera, so I shot a movie of it... sort of. To minimize file size, I left the lens cap on, then transcoded the *.mov output into flash while doubling the audio output level. You will have to listen carefully to pick out the insect sound from the ambient noise.

It goes


ending up in a sustained high whine that continues for about 40 seconds, then goes quiet. In another minute or so it starts up again.

It is incredibly loud. The one I recorded here was probably 200--300 meters away. One landed on my deck and I couldn't hear the television even with the windows closed. I tried to photograph it but it flew away just as I got the camera ready. It was a flying beetle, about two and a half inches long. The volume is fully equivalent to a model airplane engine, and the first time I heard it I was convinced that that was what it was.

Take a listen...


Bug.flv (157 downloads)

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"