Originally Posted By: TigerJimmy
The furnace fan *is* running, correct?

Oh, definitely. Quite a lot of air rushing out of the access panel when I was inspecting the evaporator.

Originally Posted By: TigerJimmy
The condenser fan should run with the compressor is running

Well, it runs (at least more-or-less) when the furnace fan is running. Actually, I assume that the noise I'm hearing is the fan and not the compressor itself. I should probably doublecheck that.

Originally Posted By: TigerJimmy
Was the evaporator quite wet?

Oh, yeah. Dripping. Well, at least the copper tubing leading to the evaporator. I don't recall the fins being wet; in fact, I'm almost certain they were dry.

I'm going to clean the compressor unit tonight, and observe how dirty it is. I'll also verify that the fan is actually working.

I was surprised at the amount of rust on the evaporator, too. You'd think that a device that's designed to be wet wouldn't be made from carbon steel.

If my system had a leak, would it be able to maintain enough refrigerant to work as well as it does during 90° weather? Maybe if the leak were on the low-pressure side?

Also, I found a more precise reference for the 20° thing from earlier. It's referencing either side of the evaporator. Since the air temperature in the house is at 75°, and it's not replenishing with hot outside air, it should be able to pump out air at least as cold as 60°, using their low estimate of a 15° difference.

I have a suspicion that the AC repair folks talked themselves out of a service call.
Bitt Faulk