Unfortunately, what I really wanted in a wallet was a coin pocket

I thought that's what I needed in a wallet as well, until I was given a wallet as a gift which did not have a coin pocket. Not wanting to disappoint the gift giver, I gave it a try, and I'm quite happy now living without the constant burden of coinage.

So much of what I do is done with debit card, I hardly have the need for cash, let alone change.

I have a coin drawer in my car, for occasionally making fast-food change at the drive thru, and a small pile of coins at my desk at work for the vending machine. Once in a great while I'll have a quarter or two stuck in the wallet next to the bills, but I never keep anything smaller than a quarter on purpose. Every other coin I try to get rid of as change, or it goes into the tip jar at the counter (in addition to paper money as tips, where appropriate of course).

Much happier now.

It's similar to the day I stopped wearing a wristwatch and just depended on my cell phone to tell me the time when I couldn't see a clock. Much happier about that, too.
Tony Fabris