Originally Posted By: Ross Wellington
Check system cooling and the fan on the video card, especially since you added additional RAM to the system (increased dissipation). While you are there, check the motherboard capacitors to see if the tops are bulged, leaking (system smells like "fish" inside), or the insulation is shrinking. Same on expansion cards in the system, can happen in the power supply too - exercise caution of course - Capacitors can hold a charge after power is disconnected.

Well, that narrows it down to either the case (cooling fans), the video card fan, the video card CPU, motherboard (capacitors), additional RAM, expansion cards, the PSU, or (according to Patrick) the monitor itself.

Whew! I was worried there for a minute that it might have been my USB headphones (Rosetta Stone).

Gaaaahhh! It couldn't be something simple, like show me a picture with an arrow saying "Replace this here fuse", could it. crazy

I'll open the case, check all the fans (I think there are seven of them), blow any dust out, reseat all the cards and the RAM strips, look at the capacitors, and then wait for the problem to become bad enough to offer a better chance of diagnosis.

Thanks, guys, even though now I'm even more worried than I was before!

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"