First, though, I'd get hold of SpeedFan (or similar: software that can read the GPU temps) and see what happens when you're next playing full-screen video.
Here are two screen shots from SpeedFan. The first was taken with just "regular" video usage, the second was taken after about 10-15 minutes of full-screen motion-picture video. (Right-click the image and choose "View Image" to see them large enough to be readable on your screen.)
The GPU temperature in both pictures seems pretty high to me at 70--73 degrees C (about 160 F), especially considering that it is 50% higher than any other temperature measured. Or, maybe this is normal for GPUs, I don't know.
I'll try pulling the video card and renewing the heat-transfer silver, if I think I can do it without breaking anything.
Meanwhile, would
this be a reasonable and
compatible replacement for my current 8600-GTS card? The price certainly seems right.