Okay, that's good, though I'm probably better off just lifting the whole shebang rather than trying to slice the "extravagances" out -- I'd probably end up taking something important out, and while I don't have any use for more than 1024 bytes right now, I can't say that'll always be the case. I could always just create and write to multiple 1k files, but that seems silly if you've already done the heavy lifting to get the walk_fibmap code working for files with multiple blocks.

As an aside, in looking at the Hijack source, I see a comment that indicates that 88/128 of the empeg state bytes were used by the player as of v2.0, and then you use 16 bytes for Hijack settings. Do you know offhand if any new state bytes were eaten by settings new to 3.0 alpha? Do we pretty much have a complete map of the state block that we can rely on to implement a user ioctl for writing data to the flash?
- Tony C
my empeg stuff