On this side of the pond, the whole of Europe has a song contest called Eurovision. At one time the announcer addressed each country in their own language, but it's come to be that the whole proceeding is conducted in English. Also most entries are sung in English, because entrants know that they're not going to get a crack at international success (In the US, for instance), except in English.
That is, excepting the French, who both sing and announce in French.
But it does have to be said that, with a mixture of patriotism and protectionism, the French were loyal to their own industries, like cars, 'till the last and are currently fighting the EU, tooth and nail to preserve their successfully run railway system.
If you want a good example of French protectionism, check out the SCART plug or the 817 line television.
All that said, I love visiting France probably more than any other country: Not as much now as in the 50's and 60's, but we're all subject to globalisation, which is what the French are fighting a rearguard action from - good luck to them!
Is it an archetypal tale, or is Quebec the only international airport that conducts air traffic control in French?
Politics and Ideology: Not my bag