> As Rob said, this hasn't been fixed yet. There won't be a "trade-in" path, but there will be a discount to existing owners if they want a new one. You'll
> have to sell your player to one of your friends who have been drooling over it ;)

Hmm. Too bad all my friends are college kids that barely have enough money for food, let alone a 1200$ car stereo.

I was kinda banking on the fact that there would be some kind of a trade-in opportunity. Of course, not a even swap, but couldn't you guys use the parts off of the trade-in units in building new ones or something? ;) I just have been waiting for the empeg for almost a year now, finally got mine, and 2 weeks later find out that there will be a newer, better one released very soon... Makes me kinda disappointed that I got involved so early and felt privelaged by getting one of the first units (especially since it was already outdated when I got it)...


PS: don't get me wrong, I love the empeg. I've loved it from the minute I received it.

Q: 0596 S/N 00246 6GB Blue
