As has been said elsewhere, adding the new display board is possible. The ethernet isn't really doable as an
upgrade, since it's a complex piece of circuitry that has a LOT of interfacing requirements to the rest of the
main board hardware. In theory it might be possible to design a small board that would connect to the IDE
bus and give 10baseT, but the cost would be so high I don't see it happening, unless someone out there
wants to do one, or I get really really bored and win the lottery at the same time!

The RAM upgrade is straightforward enough to do, if you happen to be able to hand-solder fine pitch
SMD components and have the parts available. It also requires new flash code to enable the new chips.
It is just possible I might offer this as a service (not official empeg policy, note), at some point, when
I'm not so busy designing new empeg hardware, but it wouldn't be stunningly cheap. I'd have to sort out
the warranty implications with Hugo, and source the correct RAM in small quantities, which is
surprisingly difficult to do, but it might happen if enough people need it.

If you would be interested in this, email me at [email protected], so I can gauge demand.


Opinions expressed in this email may contain up to 42% water by weight, and are mine. All mine.
Experience is what you get just after it would have helped...