One more consideration.

If you are planning to move to Windows 7 32 bits (since you ahve Vista 32bits), the upgrade process from Vista takes a long time, but is very accurate and completely automatic.
I use daily a laptop that I had formatted last to install Vista RC1. It got updated several times, and actually the whole hdd migrated to more powerful laptops three times, and eventually upgraded to Widnows 7 Ultimate when it was released; in spite of all this fiddling, it is fast and nice.
So, if this is your case and your Vista flavor does not allow mirrors, you may consider upgrading to 7 Ultimate first, and then migrade to your new SSD via the mirror trick.

Too bad not going to 64 bits, however, since you're at it. Unfortunately, that means formatting.

Edited by taym (08/09/2010 15:41)
= Taym =
MK2a #040103216 * 100Gb *All/Colors* Radio * 3.0a11 * Hijack = taympeg