The so-called Cadillac tax (40% excise tax on insurance plans that cost more than $27,500 annually) doesn't kick in until 2018. Why would it be affecting your employer's costs now?
You would agree, then, that the 40% tax is ridiculous, just that it hasn't started yet? Probably not, I suppose, but that's not my point anyway.
We need to stop putting the "funding" for these programs in the future. Our country has over $50 trillion in unfunded liabilities because of this kind of thinking. Eventually those chickens come home to roost, and the best intentions of everyone to have these social programs eventually come against the reality of limited resources, made all the worse by the debt we've accumulated to put the problem into the future. Not to mention the incompetence, corruption and waste of governments.
Anyone who thinks this is going to cut costs is living in a different world than me. The TSA hasn't even existed for 10 years, and already there is corruption, vast excess, and egregious infringement on civil rights. The TSA position is that we "surrender our rights when we buy a ticket", but this is a complete misunderstanding of a "right". One can not be compelled to surrender their "right", or it is not a right in the first place. Rights, properly understood, are prior to laws, which exist to protect them. Not the other way around.
Certain individuals may pay less for health care (even large numbers of them), but the society overall will pay vastly more, and probably each individual will as well when you consider taxes they will pay for other things will increase. As Margaret Thatcher is credited with saying, "The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." If you aren't paying for it, someone is. That can't last forever with something that everyone, eventually, will need.