Originally Posted By: wfaulk
Is this a drive attached directly to the Boxee Box, or connected to a server? If it's a server, or if there's some sort of alternative interface to the Boxee Box, just write a little script that reads some inconsequential piece of data every minute.

It's connected to my desktop at the other end of my network. I'd be fine with software like that, but I'd have to run it pretty much like I do my little video file playback trick already. I'll probably stick with that tactic for now.

Beyond that, Trevor's right about it being hit-or-miss over the USB connection.

Yeah, I was afraid of that. No matter.

Originally Posted By: hybrid8
...a piece of software like Boxee could keep that disk spinning by periodically accessing it. This could be implemented as a setting in Boxee with a time-based preference.

Sounds like a reasonable idea to me. I might suggest that. I'm keeping a list of things to write them as I use the Box. This issue is about more than just Boxee, though. Occasionally I'll need the drive several times while on my computer, and it's annoying having to wait for it to spin up every single time. It's an inexpensive drive and pretty slow, so it takes at least 5-10 seconds for the drive to be usable.