Without a program on the empeg to split the file into chunks and CRC them, I can't ensure the file is actually the same

First of all, I've never had a problem with EmpegTaxi feeding me a bad file. I've used it a bunch of times. Second of all, I only ever use zipfiles, so the lack of a checksum is no problem (for me).

Direct PC -> empeg transfer seems to generate a file of the correct size, but it's full of junk... =(

Not a problem, because you don't need to use "your" method for sending files to the Empeg. The empeg already has a perfectly good method for sending files to it through Emplode. All those things you listed as work-arounds... you don't need them. You only need Emplode.

By the way-- in version 1.1 of emplode, you will get to see the FID when you look at a column of files, making retrieval easier if you're using this kind of method.

Anyway, another option to look at is to dig into the open-source code for Emptool and see how it sends the files. You could use some variation of that method. Hugo keeps hinting that the emptool sources could be fairly easily modified into a taxi program if you so desired.

In any case, would you mind releasing that version of EmpegTaxi that controls the serial port and makes it easier to retrieve files? All I'd need is a way to easily grab one file out of "Unattached Items" and then I wouldn't need Displayserver any more. (I can use EmpegTaxi to retrieve the files right now, but I hate having to muck about at the bash prompt to do it.)

Tony Fabris
Tony Fabris