Right, I never get a pop with the standard kernel. I always get the pop with Voladj (whether it's by itself or if I'm using ioctl to set the parameters).

And the pop doesn't happen if I "quit" from the player and run ioctl, it only happens if I do the ioctl as part of an init script around boot time.

The character of the pop changes from time to time. It's louder some times than others. And I'm not certain of this, but I think it mostly comes out of the left channel. It might be ONLY out of the left channel, I'm not sure.

Perhaps it's a bit random data in the audio output buffer or something, and voladj is turning up the volume on it? I dunno.

I haven't used a kernel that you personally have compiled, I've only been using kernels that included your code. Maybe they've done something wrong?

Tony Fabris
Tony Fabris