Okay, here's where it stands:

- The muting ioctl utility you just posted FIXES the popping problem. There is no pop when I use this version.

- It permanently mutes the player when using the "home" outputs. After it's called, the home outputs are silent.

- It does not permanently mute the "car" outputs. Those work as expected. So in the car, I've now got what I want: No pop, and correct sound in the car. Actually, I haven't really checked to make sure that it's not muting just the fronts or just the rears or something. All I know is that in-home I get no sound, in-car, I get sound.

So, if we could get to the bottom of this home/car muting thing, we'd be golden.


From what you said, I am now doubting my previous statement where I said the pop happened without an ioctl. I realize that I haven't actually tested that assumption recently. I could be remembering it wrong. Doesn't matter, though, if we can fix the muting in the ioctl utility, I would be happy. I would re-publish my picker file with the new utility (along with source), and I would consider it "all done".

Tony Fabris
Tony Fabris