I did at first. But I, unlike you, was able to change my mind

I change my mind all the time. I was for example, about to buy a plane ticket and come out to visit you so I could crack you on the head for that comment, but I've since decided against it.

I said the iPad wasn't for me and I still don't know how much use I'd get out of it as a general computing device. I did say that I could think of numerous vertical applications, but I didn't have that kind of money to throw at solving any one problem.
But now I'm considering getting an iPad 2 shortly after they come out, primarily so my daughter (who will be 2 this summer) can start using a computer.
My initial reaction to the iPad was based on how over-hyped it was. There was a ton of talk about how great it was as a content creation device, and I really don't think that's panned out.
Actually, I think it's been the opposite. It was billed by everyone as being only for content consumption - and continues to get the same comments from many in the press and analysts. However, it turns out that it's being used all the time by a lot of folks for content creation. Interesting stories abound.
There are a lot of great kid-oriented learning apps and games, so I think it's the best way to expose my daughter to computing at an early age. I can't really risk my primary notebook to that end, nor is it as portable (17" model). I have no doubt that I'll use it for some web surfing on the couch as well instead of the notebook, but it's mainly because of the kid.