This is Penny Arcade's description about said comix:

About today's strip: We are so totally in the minority on this one. Aside from the outpouring of affection I see almost daily for the title, I mean, take a look at GameRankings. 97% average review? That's as much consensus as you're likely to see, on anything, in this day and age. It looks like Goddamn television, when those fancy cars run around. The control is, I'm certain, as much like driving a car as can be squeezed into a dual shock. I think that this series is just wasted on us, though. We've never been looking for a sim when we step up to a console racer - we're not looking for accurately modeled whooziwhatsits or gear ratios. To tell you the truth, I don't know if gear ratios are even a real thing. The fact is, I don't want to know about that stuff in a game any more than I do in real life. It's like talking about the uterus or ovaries or something, they represent layers of terrifying mystery that I'd just as soon leave to the experts. We're both of the opinion that Ridge Racer Type 4 is the sweet-spot for people who just want pleasure out of a racer - in our minds, all racing games aspire to this standard. It simply doesn't get any better.