... uhhh, yeah.

I must confess to being a bit confused here. When I unzip the file (on my Windows machine where I know [a little bit] what I'm doing, I get a directory named _MACOSX, and another directory named Ping Test.app.
The _MACOSX directory contains a directory named Ping Test.app, and a file named ._Ping Test.app. That Ping Test.app directory contains subdirectories...aaarrggh. See the attached screen shot! (Right click --> "View Image" to make it readable)
Anyway, just what am I supposed to put on the Evil Macintosh (tm)? My plan would be to put it on a flash drive, then copy it to the Mac's desktop and run it from there. Then, after a week or so stop the app, copy the output file (via flash drive) back to my computer where I can tweak it with Excel, where I very much DO know what I'm doing.
Keep in mind that I have only laid hands on a Macintosh thee or four times in my life, and then only under duress, so explanation will have to be basic and very simple. Don't assume I know ANYTHING about those evil machines. Remember my motto: If it's different from what I'm used to, it can't be any good.
