With a little help from Paul Grzelak (well, actually quite a lot of help) we came up with this batch file:
ping -n 1 google.com > tmp0.txt
echo %date:~0,5%, %time:~0,5%, > tmp1.txt
type tmp0.txt | find "loss" | cut -f 2 -d "(" | cut -f 1 -d ")" | cut -f 1,2 -d " " > tmp2.txt
echo , > tmp3.txt
type tmp0.txt | find "Average" | cut -f 4 -d "=" | cut -f 2 -d " " | cut -f 1 -d " " > tmp4.txt
paste -d "" tmp1.txt tmp2.txt tmp3.txt tmp4.txt >>pings.csv
sleep %1
goto pinger
This is pretty neat!
I want to run it on my work XP machine because our internet connection is horrible in the afternoons. Everyone complains but nobody does anything about it.
So, I copied this text over into a text file, renamed it .bat, and then clicked on it (it was on my desktop).
I was sort of expecting a 'pings.csv' file to appear somewhere, but a search does not bring it up.
Would you help me understand a bit more about how to activate this batch file? My comprehension is incomplete.

tmp0.txt and tmp1.txt have appeared on the desktop, though, so that's something...