Originally Posted By: tanstaafl.

I didn't realize that there was a PingTest icon in the "dock" (is that what you call that thing taking up all the real estate at the bottom of the screen?)

Yes. It behaves fairly similarly to the Windows Taskbar. It shows running apps.

It is different to earlier versions of the Windows Taskbar however in that it can also show apps that aren't running, meaning you can use it as a launcher. Of course you can now do that on Windows as well, with the "pin" option (can't remember whether this was introduced in Vista or Win7).

I can't say I'm a great fan of the OSX Dock. I tend to launch apps using SearchLight*, by hitting cmd-space, typing the first few letters of the name of the app and hitting return.

* ok, so I actually use QuickSilver now instead of SearchLight, but it works about the same
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