Woot, seems like my iPhone now shows the manual wifi sync option without ever plugging it in. Don't know why it wasn't working before, but it seems pretty solid right now as it hasn't dropped all afternoon.
It's super nice not having the phone locked up when doing syncs now too. Now if only Apple could get rid of the bloody system-modal windows when doing things like adding tracks to iTunes.
And FINALLY, the built-in music player (formerly "iPod") can deal with compilation albums (without polluting the artist list with a million one-off artists) *and* albums tagged with Album Artist (those with guest tracks, etc.) It still sucks at playlist management and there's no way to list all albums (showing covers) grouped by artist - why on earth would I ever want to see a list of all albums by all artists sorted alphabetically? But it's a big improvement nonetheless. Though I'm still looking for a good alternative music player. Tried a bunch last night and they were just awful.