iTunes still sucks and it's generally getting worse with every release as Apple are shoehorning more and more features into an old shell that was never designed to accommodate them.
The support for apps is abysmal and seems like a total afterthought, even after over three years. There's no way to link back to an App Store product page or developer's web site from any app listing anywhere in iTunes. No way to list recently added or synced or downloaded apps in the iPhone view - the master apps list from the source list does contain a modified date which can be sorted.
I just enabled ringtone sync and iTunes forced me to delete all music and video from my device. Can't recall if it said anything about photos, but I had already cleared those out with Image Capture. I can't think of any reason, good or otherwise, for this.
EDIT: Ok, I know why now. Enabling ringtone sync disables manual music/video sync. And it automatically turns ON auto music sync which is what causes your music to be deleted. Argh. This exposes (and seems to be the result of) state bugs in iTunes. If you turn manual music on in the summary tab in device view, and then flip over to the ringtones tab, it's still set to auto sync (and your music still appears in the meter at the bottom). Then if you go back to the summary tab, manual music is now off. So it instead of going back to the summary tab you instead press the APPLY button, you will get manual music sync with auto ringtone sync.
Here's another nice oddity. My credit card expired and I hadn't yet activated my new one. There was an issue activating and iTunes and the iPhone failed on the 3 digit security code. CC company says that will be resolved tonight at midnight. But, because I tried editing/updating the CC info during a purchase, now I can no longer download app updates or free apps. Putting in my login password immediately sends me to the billing update page instead of processing the download. Ugh.
I think I've just gotten around the billing thing by clearing out the credit card and instead choosing the NONE option for billing. Though now I'll have to re-enter everything tomorrow.
Edited by hybrid8 (17/10/2011 22:02)