The time is coming when those cranks will be seen as the ones who stuck with solid principles and turned out to be right in the end. Calling them "cranks" does not contribute anything to the argument. The authorites love central planning, so you can always appeal to those authorities to support the now-fashionable Keynesian ideas. But while they all claim that "nobody could have seen the 2008 collapse coming", the "cranks" did see it coming and warned about it.

Prices are not the measure of inflation, like I said. Money supply is. The inflation has already happened (and will continue).. Prices are beginning to rise and will contine. Wages are declining in real terms and this will continue. You've got to be smart enough to recognize these things before the prices are spinning out of control. It's too late then. Prices *are* rising, you even admitted it. You prefer to think my time horizon is too short and its just a *coincidence* that prices have risen after the $2T+ was added to the money supply. Or maybe it's the weather, as the administration has said. Or maybe it's just the early signs of the inevitable. I understand the appeal of denial, especially from those seeking (re)elected office, but fortune favors those who accept reality.

Just study the issue for yourself and make up your own mind. You are being lied to. Is that so hard to believe? This is the same government that dreamed up the Gulf of Tonkin hoax, tested nuclear and biological weapons on it's own citizens, lied about WMD -- I could go on and on.

Think for yourself. Read both sides, consider their motivations, and then decide. You are simply repeating the sound bites of the media.

The most deflationary industry, perhaps in history, has been computers. It has been a huge boon for people. Spending and borrowing does not drive an economy. Savings and production drive economic growth. You have it backwards.

Jim the Crank