Originally Posted By: larry818
I've wondered the same thing. Flash (Steve Jobs was right) recently installed the "Anti-Virus 2012" virus on my 'puter. These guys have a web page and accept credit card payments, it should be easy to hunt them down and rough them up.

I'd be very curious to know how you could tell that Flash was the exact culprit of that virus. I've seen that very virus and plenty like it.

It's awful malware like this that makes me so pissed off at congress right now. How about instead of passing crap like SOPA/PIPA, we pretend for one second that they give a crap about people instead of just corporations, and pass something that might at least start to help protect people against malware. I understand that copyright protection is important, but real people are affected by malware every day. As much as I like getting paid hourly to clean viruses off of peoples' computers, I'd like them not to get suckered into giving thieves their credit card info. Ugh.