Originally Posted By: larry818
I also found out that none of the AV programs can stop this kind of attack, so away with flash.

I've always wondered about this. I've been seeing these viruses for years now, and I refuse to believe that these viruses cannot be caught. I don't see why, if there are virus removal programs that can take them off, that there are none which can block them in the first place. MSE should certainly be looking out for this kind of stuff. It's by FAR the most prevalent virus I see (by a margin of about 50:1).

That's why I've been recommending MSE to all my clients. If none of the commercial antiviruses are going to catch the most common viruses I come across, I figure my client might as well use something that's not going to get in their way. MSE and Chrome go on most of my clients' computers.

Also, and this might be a little more controversial, but lately I've been putting AdBlock on my clients' Chrome installs. If Flash banner ads are going to get my customers infected, I'm sorry but I'm going to block them. Is this a bad train of thought on my part?