Oh dear...
Seems that they've now been told by their distributers that they won't sell them until it's been though EMC testing.
What's bizarre, is that R-PI are claiming that they've been and done it, but they don't know at this point whether it's going to delay anything, my experience of EMC testing is that you know pretty darned quick if something is wrong and you then spend most of your time fitting chokes and makeshift cans to get it inside the curve. My guess is it failed and that they couldn't fix it on site.
Chances are they even use the same test centre as us seeing as they're based in Cambridge.
dB tech FTW!

(is that who you use?)
CE is self-cert, so if the testing has all been done, and it passes, then there's no delay. You just print out some CE stickers and be done with it.
To ship immediately to the USA you'd need to go to an FCC certified lab and get FCC testing done there (it takes longer if you do it at a non-cert lab and then send the paperwork off) but again that's just a day.
My guess? They ran compliance testing without all the wires connected, which is an easy way to make something pass but doesn't actually satisfy the requirements (FCC in particular insist that every port is connected - the empeg test setup even had a dot-matrix printer connected to the PC that was connected to the empeg's USB port).
They do appear to be learning how to manufacture electronics very publicly... embarassing.