1. while i know enough about computers to hook up the empeg, you are correct about the manual. this concern has been voiced before, though it hasen't come up for a while. one of the problems is that the software changes so much that it can be difficult to keep an up to date version, as well as the problems of keeping current copies distributed to customers. i do like your idea of emplode automatically checking for and downloading newer updated online help files.

also, with the release of 1.1 hopefully coming soon, it is kind of a waste of time and resources to write documentation when major changes are on the way. good points though.

2. i never had a problem with emplode. all of my mp3s were, for the most part, correctly tagged and already organized into artist and album playlists. except for some very infrequent spot tag corrections, the only thing i use emplode for is the rudimentary function of putting music onto the player.

you are in luck though. when version 1.1 comes out, it is bringing with it a total rewrite of emplode. the new one will have bug fixes, search capabilities, and more. try a bbs search for more info on what it contains.

3. unless there is something i don't know, the rio remote is basically a rebranded kenwood remote. before empeg was bought, all players shipped with the standard kenwood remote. wnen rio bought them, they used the same remotes, just put their name on them. someone correct me if i am wrong though.

anyway, you will find that the more you use the remote, like a bad song, it grows on you. it does seem akward at first, but as you use it, it really becomes second nature to use even the advanced stuff like song searching, etc.

4. regarding the control buttons, i am pretty happy with them. of course i rarely use them. i pretty much just keep the entire playlist shuffled, and ff or rew until i hear something i want to listen to. like emplode, it really depends on what you use it for. there was talk of user configurable menus and stuff like that, but i think even if that does happen, it is a long way off.

as for the volume and ff rew thing, this has also been mentioned before. unless i am mistaken, this is slated to be fixed in v 1.1

5. again, like #4, i just ff or rew until i find something i want to listen to. but that all depends on how YOU use the player. it is all really subjective.

6. this is a bug with the current mp3 deconding engine. the vb ff and rew will be fixed in v 1.1

7. can't comment b/c i don't own a carrying bag. i rarely take mine out of the car anymore.

thanks for the comments. it is always good to get feedback, both positve and negative. hopefully a few of these issues should be addressed in v 1.1. make good use of the bbs here. there are really alot of great folks who know what they are talking about.


12 gig, green...
12 gig, green...