Thanks for the answers, I'll be happy to test software 2.0.

And you will be able to do so. Empeg releases public betas of their player software. 1.03 went through several rounds of public betas before they finalized it.

The buttons are not "physically marked" so that you can feel where to turn on/off the unit, mute, etc

You're telling me. I complained about that one until I was blue in the face. Fact is, from the particular manufacturer they were using, they had no way of changing the physical shape of the remote or the buttons. I agree that one with contoured buttons or an asymmetrical button layout would be more ergonomic, but it just wasn't an option for them at design time.

In the meantime, some of the folks on the BBS have suggested putting a tiny drop of 5-minute epoxy on the "OK" button so you can feel a bump as you're handling the remote. I've tried this, and it works extremely well. The only drawback is that the drop of glue eventually falls off and you have to re-do it.

The good thing is, most of the other features you're looking for will be in the next software release.

Tony Fabris
Tony Fabris