While my data is important to me, none of it is "mission critical." I wouldn't be happy if I lost it, but I wouldn't lose too much sleep over it either. Its loss wouldn't change my life.
You're giving yourself the answer as to why this type of service isn't for you. There's several "I's" and "my's" in there, so no, this type of thing isn't for you, but it's for a large percentage of computer users out there, particularly the ones who aren't good about keeping a schedule for backups (which is pretty much everyone).
This is something I tell you every time you bring this up: people aren't good about backing up their data! I keep coming across clients whose backup plan consists of a drive in their closet that hasn't been brought out in eight months. These clients are sometimes architects, lawyers, or even just a lady whose husband died a couple years ago and hasn't backed up any of the photos from their last months together.
So yes, Doug, services like this are very important.
Besides, for the cost of those two 2TB drives you have at your neighbors house, I have four years of unlimited backup protection for my entire family.
(by entire family I mean up to 10 computers)