Originally Posted By: hybrid8
I'll give you "no one backs up their data at all."
I know where you're coming from. Of the people I know personally, I think I am the only "backupper." I have +/- 3TB of data, all of it backed up on premises, and 99.9% of it also backed up off-premises. Sometime next month I'll update the off-site backups to pick up that last 1/10%. smile

I've been working with computers since 1976, when hardware had nothing like the reliability of today's machines, and I had first-hand knowledge of the necessity of good backups. My work computer had a massive 10MB capacity (one fixed disk and one removable in a box the size and shape of a two-drawer filing cabinet) and backups took nearly an hour. But I did them, and kept the habit. Even so, I had a big scare when the hard drive went up in smoke (literally - an electrolytic capacitor the size of a soda pop bottle popped) and without that computer two radio stations and a television station would have been off the air. The service rep had to fly in from Anchorage (360 miles) and work overnight to get us going, but he did manage to save the data.

Ahhhh, the good old days.

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"