Originally Posted By: Roger
If the Program light does not blink when pressing CTL-ALT-SUSPEND MACRO, the CTL or ALT keys may be remapped. To reset them:

1. Press REMAP once

2. Press CTL twice

Unfortunately, this instruction is incorrect. It explains how to start the remap function and then remap the CTRL key into the CTRL key, but it assumes that the REMAP function is activated by pressing the REMAP key. You have to type CTRL-REMAP, not just REMAP, to activate the remap function, and .-REMAP just doesn't work.

In any case, under normal conditions, the ALT, SHIFT, and CTRL keys cannot be remapped. The firmware doesn't allow it.

Is there any keyboard "shortcut" (similar to typing ALT-168 to make a ¿ character) that would generate a CTRL command? Even if there is, I don't think it will help. How would I type "ALT-xxx" while simultaneously holding the ALT and the SUSPND-MACRO key? And, since the key remains remapped even when the Macro function is turned off on the keyboard, it would appear there is a hardware problem, where the CTRL key is physically generating a . instead of a CTRL command.

No, a little experimenting with the spare keyboard shows that when you remap a key (as opposed to storing a macro in the key) the key stays remapped no matter what. So, maybe if I can somehow clear the eprom on the keyboard where the macros and key remaps are stored... Meanwhile I'll take the keyboard apart and see if I can find some physical problem inside.

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"