Originally Posted By: andy
Quite apart from anything else, with the screen off how would you know which orientation the screen was in !

That would be the point of automatically switching the button functions, you wouldn't have to remember. The top button would always increase volume and the bottom decrease. Or right/left if sideways.

Not a huge issue, but it's one of those fine points pundits always like to say Apple pays especially close attention to. IMO, Apple doesn't have an especially close attention to detail, they're just a lot better than most other companies in *some* respects.

Personally, the most annoying auto/non-auto missing feature is WiFi network priority. You can have an iOS device automatically join a wifi network, but there's no way to tell it which ones should be prioritized. So when you're in range of multiple, it may join one you would rather not join, even if it has lower signal strength.

Case in point: my iPhone is set up on 4 or 5 neighborhood WiFi connections. When I'm down the street, my connection will go out of range and it will join a different one. When I get back home, that other connection will stay connected with very low signal strength and I have to manually join my own full-strength connection. That's a huge PITA.

And besides signal strength, my own WiFi network gives me access to my LAN, while others of course don't.

Edited by hybrid8 (28/05/2012 19:50)
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