Rob, as someone who has many appointments to drive to all over the place, this has been the coolest feature of Google Now (other than the more advanced voice capabilities). I put all my appointments into Google Calendar, and it tells me when I need to leave in order to get there on time, based on where I am at the moment.

The one problem I have is that it seems to underestimate the time. I'd rather have it assume a slightly longer travel time, because it doesn't take into account things like finding a parking spot or walking from that spot to your destination. But overall it's pretty damned impressive and slightly magical smile

Originally Posted By: drakino
If I type in Home with Google maps while signed it, it shows me the slightly incorrect address Google Now has. It's connected somehow, just not sure what seeded the data on my side initially.

Tom, I'm not sure where it gets that data either. I will say that the one place it looks like you can specify your home address is in Google Maps. Just go to the regular maps page and click on "My Places" on the left. It lets you choose a home and work address.

On a related note: one thing that's annoyed me in the past is that I can't get decent data from Google Latitude. Latitude has an option to pretty much track your every movement (with mixed results). First of all, I know it sounds creepy, but it's off by default, and if you enable it, by default it's completely private. What's neat about it is the data you can get, like hours spent at home and what-not. The problem for me is that it has to estimate hours spent at work, but my work is all over the place AND at home. I know it's not really possible to track my kind of travel, but I kind of wish I could just turn that off. Anyway, it's a minor issue but one I've wanted to vent about.