And this is one of the key selling points of iOS for me. When you do a backup on iOS it always backs up everything*.
It makes moving between devices so straight forward (with the obvious restriction that you are only moving between Apple devices). And iCloud makes it even better. Turn on any new (or reset) iOS device, login to iCloud, select a backup and it all restores somewhat magically. Every* setting, every document, every game save, every app, every photo you've ever taken, everything.
I have managed to use this to bring all my data/settings with me, since my first iPhone in 2008, through half a dozen or so devices.
For me, it is worth living with the downsides of iOS/Apple to benefit for the Apple ecosystem that makes things like this work.
* ok, so there is one thing that doesn't get restored, your passwords for your non-Apple accounts (third party IMAP etc) don't get backed up and restored. And if an app has deliberately chosen to exclude passwords or a file from the backup, that also doesn't get restored
Remind me to change my signature to something more interesting someday