Edit: Oh, screw it. Tom even mentions iOS in post #1, so I guess this becomes yet another fanboy thread. I'll be quiet about it now.
I also mentioned WebOS, Android, and Windows Phone

. All platforms I've had direct experiences with, and try to keep up on to be fully informed about the entire ecosystem.
I wanted it to stay relevant to the tech and usage side of the Nexus 7, not the Q/hand size/phones/other Google bits from the other thread. It's not meant as a fanboy thread either. It's simply to share experience, tips and to learn more about the Nexus 7. Comparisons to other products I think are fine as long as it doesn't derail things too much. These comparisons help people learn more by starting with a concept people may have past experience with.
The backup discussion is useful, for people like myself and Andy who do live mostly on the iOS side and want to honestly know what effort is needed to match or come close to a capability we make use of. I'm trying to judge this device fairly and know where it stands for when people ask me advice about tablets. And yes, there are many thing I do like about it, and will post more. Mark, your contributions are useful on this thread, though your tendency to be anti iFruit can be just as disruptive as people pro positions at times. Glad to see we are back on track now

Back on (the main) topic though: I have installed the stock Android web browser along with Adobe Flashplayer onto the Nexus 7. This might interest UK users, since doing so enables iPlayer access.
Is Flash support the main advantage of adding back in the stock Android browser? Having Flash on the Nexus 7 would be handy, as I'm noticing many web videos aren't working even in the US.