Originally Posted By: tanstaafl.
I have the solar people coming over to see me next week, and we'll talk about alternatives.
Well, there's good news and bad news. The good news is I will never have to worry about DAC again. The bad news is I don't get to buy a bunch of neat new solar panel toys. The solar guy pointed out the error of my ways.

For two years I have labored under a misconception of what triggers the DAC rate. I was sure that once I averaged Exceso rate for a year, that would put me in DAC. But as Maureen Jellison said in Lucifer's Hammer, "That turns out not to be the case."

0-150 bi-monthly = Basico rate
151-250 bi-monthly = Intermedio rate
251-500 bi-monthly = Exceso rate (actually, it's 251-9999, but the 500 matters because...

To achieve DAC I have to average more than 500 kWh each two-months for a year, not the 251 I had previously thought. So I have 3,000 kWh per meter per year to play with, not 1,500.

Today I received my latest electric bill(s). My computer cost me $161 pesos for two months; the remainder of the house cost me the same. That works out to a total electric bill of of about $12.50 (USD) per month, $25 for the bi-monthly bill. The DAC rate for the same electricity would have been just under $100. It really pays to stay out of DAC.

So all this time I have been sweating bullets not to exceed half of the allowable usage to stay out of DAC. Live and learn, I guess.

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"