Originally Posted By: Cris
To me it seems a little bit daft that in such hot countries that more people are not encouraged to fit solar on their roof as part of their energy consumption

Exactly. The government could simply change the construction code to require a small number of grid-tied panels on all new construction. This would especially make sense in places like Arizona and Nevada where they get 300+ sunny days a year and electrical usage due to A/C usage spikes at roughly the same time that peak power output is attained through the panels. Win-win-win.

Hawaii already requires solar water heaters on all new construction. São Paulo has required it since 2008. If the government is really serious about decreasing dependence on foreign oil, that's one way to cut a lot of usage, especially in the southwest. wink

Edited by JBjorgen (20/08/2012 01:03)
Edit Reason: added smiley for Bruno
~ John