I definitely didn't mean to stop suggesting things. That's the greatness of this forum.
I just don't want to give them any incentive to delay wrapping up of the 2.0 effort. We've had teasers for quite a long time. Probably to many teasers for their own safety.

I was not hard to expect a quick release given the speed at which they got this product to market and the hints they have been dropping about it. We have truely great people and a great product. I mean no disrespect.

I appreciate the effort to release good code and the time it takes to do that.
I also understand that priorities changed when they were bought by SonicBlue. Herein, from an empeg owner's perspective, is probably where the problem lies.

I know that my empeg is not broken requiring 2.0 to fix it, but part of the allure of buying it was due to it's upgradability, which except for bug fixes and minor tweaks has not been utilized. One could argue that tuner functionality has been added but there is no tuner yet.

Even TiVo has managed to encorporate new features into their product. I certainly expected my empeg to be upgraded quiker than the TiVo was.

I was really trying to stay quite about this issue but I feel like I need a voice so here it is. Especially after the latest late September estimation. Frankly I have a hard time putting any faith in that.

To the guys at empeg, I salute you and appluade your efforts and commitment. You truely are an outstanding group of fellows. I am proud as I could be about witnessing this project from its grass roots to where it is now and being one of a select few world wide to have an empeg and have participated in this forum for as long as I have. I want to see you guys succeed.

I know from some of the failed startup companies I've worked for that a great idea and implementation are not the only factors needed for success.
I can't help but think that some of my friends would be more inclined to buy an empeg if features were added more frequently. I've been bragging that a new version is coming for a long time.

No offense to the great work that owners have done with the empeg but I don't want to run anything that slows boot-up time. This IS first and foremost a car stereo. I'll run display server when I have it in the office but I need this thing to perform best when I have it in the car. I put my faith in kernels compiled by empeg itself. That's why I bought it. It's a consumer product.

Anyway, take this for what it's worth. I know in the grand scheme it means nothing. It will get done when it gets done. I know I will love it when it is done.

I'm glad at least in this forum that I have a voice. Along with having that luxury of a voice, you have to put up with the occasional ranting lunatic.
