I can see this degenerating into 'my empeg can boot faster than your empeg!'

Anyhoo, I think the point is that the boot time is comparatively quick. When you put it into sleep mode, it is only paused and therefore the restart time is instant. I grow tired of waiting for my radio to do its restart after i start the car. It does a volume ramp (2.0???) when starting nd sometimes if I'm listening to something interesting, i'll delay starting the car so i don't miss anything.

This is only when I'm listening to the radio (Alpine), tho. When listening to the empeg tracks, the restart time is instant. I get a slight power-down from starting, which I could fix with capacitors I know.

Murray 06000047
I don't think, therefore I am not.
-- Murray I What part of 'no' don't you understand? Is it the 'N', or the 'Zero'?