You actually use the Garmin and Tomtom at the same time? That must be truly

I can just imagine, one in English, the other babbling in Spanish. Oh my!
No, nothing so fun as that.
The Tom Tom replaced the Garmin, and I both of them are in English.
The Tom Tom was the cheapest model, actually a discontinued model purchased from (I think) J&R (Amazon, maybe?) for about $70. The Garmin has better (i.e., more complete and up to date) maps, but the UI of the Tom Tom is so superior that the Garmin now just gathers dust in a drawer. Somewhere. Not even sure I could find it now.
Of course, things change, and three years later perhaps the new Garmins are better than my old Tom Tom, or even the new ones. I dunno, the Tom Tom serves my purposes very well.